Saturday, March 16, 2024


(Note from Thomas Lavalle: Regular readers will have already encountered KS’ thoughtful comments to several recent posts. I was gratified when he agreed to try his hand at guest-posting. This first offering knocked my socks off. He assures me that English is his second language. It’s hard to believe.)

I am addicted to serving my wife. Just as a workaholic is addicted to working, I am addicted to serving women. A workaholic man is happy when he is working, and so am I when I am serving my wife. When a workaholic man cannot work, he gets upset and anxious, and so do I when I am not serving my wife. A workaholic man, because of his addiction, usually cannot have a balanced life among work, family, and health. But I am not in that predicament, for my wife requires me to maintain a full-time job, sleep six hours a day, and hit the gym five days a week. Thus I maintain a fairly well-balanced life among work, family, and health. While a workaholic may nxeed to overcome his addiction, I don’t believe I need to.

One might ask, what motivates me to serve her constantly? Many workaholics are addicted to work because of their hunger for money and success. A workaholic’s lifestyle sometimes brings enormous success and money to the addict (think about Elon Musk). But what does a submissive man gain if the only thing he does is serve his mistress for her leisure and pleasure? It’s hard to explain, but let me try:

One day, I returned home from a hard day’s work. All I wanted to do was collapse onto the bed and sleep, but I couldn’t because I had some leftover housework to finish. So, as soon as I arrived home, I donned an apron and started doing dishes and laundry. Meanwhile, my wife was on the sofa, laughing while watching her favorite TV show, paying no mind to me. To her, housework is men’s duty, and one must fulfill their duty regardless of the challenges faced during the day. While I was busy doing dishes, my wife called me to bring her a glass of wine. I immediately stopped what I was doing and brought her the wine. As I poured her a glass, she continued to be engrossed in the TV show, seemingly oblivious to my presence.

In that moment, I experienced a sense of ecstasy in my head. It was as if I was serving a being that transcends all human beings. She didn’t look like a mere human; she looked like a goddess deserving of my worship, obedience, and never-ending service. This feeling is difficult to explain, but the more challenging it is to serve her, the more pleasure I derive from it. If it were easy to serve her, I wouldn’t experience such ecstasy. She demands a great amount of sacrifice from me, and I unquestioningly obey her.

This fact elevates her to a goddess-like status in my eyes. In my opinion, every woman has a goddess within her, but this goddess can only be seen through the eyes of a hardworking servant male. Once you acquire these eyes, you never want to lose them. This is why I am always motivated to work hard for my wife. The harder I work for her, the more goddess-like she becomes, and this motivates me to work even harder for her, creating an endless cycle of devotion. I cannot break free from this loop of service addiction, so I remain a devoted husband, and I am happy about it.

How did I get into this loop of addiction? The concept of being addicted to serving women came from my father. He believed that men are biologically designed to work hard, and they will never find true fulfillment in life if they are idle and lazy. He also told me that if I was going to work hard anyway, it is much better to work for a woman I love than for some corporate figure. However, despite my efforts in my twenties, I never became addicted. It wasn't until I met my wife and experienced her strict discipline that I truly embraced this lifestyle. Since then, I have been living as a service addict, and my wife and I are both very happy now.

It is not easy to become addicted to this kind of lifestyle, but once you do, it is truly a win-win situation for both you and your dominant woman. Your wife will never need to do any housework; her house will be spotlessly clean all the time, and she will always have someone eager to run errands for her. A submissive man, on the other hand, will be able to satisfy his hunger for service all the time and live his dream—a life of a service slave. Most importantly, as I mentioned earlier, he will acquire the eyes that can find a goddess in her. In turn, he will be able to spend the rest of his life serving, worshipping a living goddess. This is the most blessed life I can imagine for a submissive man. So I strongly suggest that you all try becoming addicted to serving a woman.

How do you get addicted to serving a woman? Well, how do you think you get addicted to anything? By doing that thing a lot, and repeatedly. Elon Musk works 120 hours a week, almost three times more than an average man. So if you really want to become addicted to serving your Queen, you should try serving your Queen three times more than an average submissive man. This is hard work. But as I mentioned earlier, this really is an ideal state for both you and your mistress. No pain, no gain.

So, man up, and start working.


1 comment:

  1. I can definitely relate to feeling addicted to serving my wife, and I agree with KS -- the best way to become addicted to anything is to do that thing repeatedly. And I too learned about being addicted to women from my father. He also thought it was a waste for a man to sacrifice his life for a corporation when it's so much more primal and satisfying to the instincts to sacrifice for a woman.



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