Wednesday, June 5, 2024



(Editor’s Note: Debra’s Son has posted more than a few fond reminiscences on this blog about the advantages of growing up in a matriarchal, Goddess-worshipping home—and about his  ultimately successful efforts to recreate a female-first family environment in his adult life. In a recent email, Debra’s Son shared some further  thoughts on his favorite family dynamics. With his perrmission, I share them below.—Thomas Lavalle)

Debra’s Son:

I have no direct experience with blended, poly, or stepfamilies, but I am genuinely curious about those dynamics. If a dominant woman has children already, and her daughter(s) are used to being dominant, how are they integrated into a partnership with a submissive man? I suppose the woman would have to lay down the law from the get-go as far as how much authority her daughters had.

And if the man had a son, it would be a virtual necessity, in my opinion, for him to have already been raising his son(s) with matriarchal ideals. At least he should have been raising them to be deferent to women. Expecting a boy or young man without a matriarchal background to accept female authority “cold turkey” so to speak— that wouldn’t be easy, I imagine. And if the man had dominant daughters of his own, whew! I can only wish him and his son enough time during the day to please all the females in their lives.

I’m not sure I agree on the essential nature of males in terms of being hardwired for female rule. I’ve always thought that matriarchy/gynarchy is by far the best dynamic for all concerned, but whether it’s hardwired is another matter. From my point of view, that’s beside the point. Are children hardwired to spend 7 or 8 hours a day in school for 12+ years?

I don’t think so, but most of them do it. They do it because their parents expect it, AND because there is a strong external culture of long-term compulsory education. It makes for a more orderly, civilized society, or at least it would if the schools were high quality. That’s what makes matriarchy so difficult. We don’t have that external culture to buttress our beliefs. We’re always in conflict with the dominant culture to a greater or lesser degree.

I do agree, however, that gynarchic/matriarchal ideals must be taught to girls and boys as early as possible, and that those ideals must be lived out in the home. Our kids must be made aware that we are indeed in conflict with the dominant culture, just as religious families teach their children that “We are in this world, but not of it.” In some ways we’re more fortunate than religious families. Western societies are taking small but steady steps toward the emancipation and empowerment of women. We can let our children know that perhaps someday society will catch up with us.

I also agree that an adolescent female should be given authority as soon as she can handle it. In my case, more authority was granted to my sisters after menarche. My mother threw a private party, exclusively for women, when each of my sisters reached that milestone. I wasn’t privy to much of what went on, but I do remember overhearing my mother say with pride and love, “GOODBYE MY DAUGHTER, HELLO MY SISTER!?

My sister’s behavior changed after that night. Of course, she had always bossed me around more or less, but her relationship with our father was transformed. She became a cute mini-version of Mom. She began scolding Dad and giving him the same kind of frowns and disapproving looks when he’d make a mistake or forget something. She also praised him when he merited it, and she condescended to him in a patronizing (or should I say matronizing), almost motherly way, as Mom did.

By way of reminding our father and me of her new status after her menarche celebration, my sister occasionally remarked, “I have periods. I’m a woman now.” as if those two sentences totally explained and completely justified her newly acquired authority.

She said it matter of factly, but with a naive sincerity that was beyond adorable, and my father had warned me not to laugh. I could tell how proud he was of her, and I couldn’t help feeling a little pride in her, too.  Of course, my mother had to rein her in rather regularly until she gradually matured, but her "promotion” seemed as natural as those periods she was so proud of. More importantly, things were progressing as I’d been taught they should, and I believe that strengthened  my sense of security and stability.

My other sister, after her party, was less verbal and more literary. She wrote notes. About everything. My father and I always knew what she wanted or what she was thinking, because we came across her daily missives left specifically for us in every room of the house. She was proud of her penmanship (oh, what a different world it is today!), and these weren’t simple little “Empty my wastebasket” reminders. Oh no. My sister would have been aghast at such terse and unimaginative messages. She felt a manifesto of her feelings and outlook on life was called for in every communique. Dad called them her “scolding screeds.”

I remember one she left for me entitled, “Why does my brother forget things?” She recounted what seemed to be an entire history of my faulty ability to recall her instructions, and she left me a library book on mnemonic devices. She finally summed up her thoughts with, “It can be just as easy to remember as forget, you know. Read this book. And don’t forget to return it to the library.”

These scenarios more or less played out again when I helped raise my nieces, and now, decades later, my daughter is proudly taking up the mantle of female authority, bit by bit. The comfort of continuity.

I think it’s true that there will always be something of the little boy in even the oldest men, and I think there is something of the Mother in even the youngest girls. It doesn’t take much to elicit these behaviors. I can already see it in my little girl. And as mature as I must try to be, I know I still have a little boy’s insecurity and pettiness at times.

Anyway, just wanted to share those memories with you.

* “Patres Filiae Obediunt” — "Fathers, obey your daughters"

Saturday, March 16, 2024


(Note from Thomas Lavalle: Regular readers will have already encountered KS’ thoughtful comments to several recent posts. I was gratified when he agreed to try his hand at guest-posting. This first offering knocked my socks off. He assures me that English is his second language. It’s hard to believe.)

I am addicted to serving my wife. Just as a workaholic is addicted to working, I am addicted to serving women. A workaholic man is happy when he is working, and so am I when I am serving my wife. When a workaholic man cannot work, he gets upset and anxious, and so do I when I am not serving my wife. A workaholic man, because of his addiction, usually cannot have a balanced life among work, family, and health. But I am not in that predicament, for my wife requires me to maintain a full-time job, sleep six hours a day, and hit the gym five days a week. Thus I maintain a fairly well-balanced life among work, family, and health. While a workaholic may nxeed to overcome his addiction, I don’t believe I need to.

One might ask, what motivates me to serve her constantly? Many workaholics are addicted to work because of their hunger for money and success. A workaholic’s lifestyle sometimes brings enormous success and money to the addict (think about Elon Musk). But what does a submissive man gain if the only thing he does is serve his mistress for her leisure and pleasure? It’s hard to explain, but let me try:

One day, I returned home from a hard day’s work. All I wanted to do was collapse onto the bed and sleep, but I couldn’t because I had some leftover housework to finish. So, as soon as I arrived home, I donned an apron and started doing dishes and laundry. Meanwhile, my wife was on the sofa, laughing while watching her favorite TV show, paying no mind to me. To her, housework is men’s duty, and one must fulfill their duty regardless of the challenges faced during the day. While I was busy doing dishes, my wife called me to bring her a glass of wine. I immediately stopped what I was doing and brought her the wine. As I poured her a glass, she continued to be engrossed in the TV show, seemingly oblivious to my presence.

In that moment, I experienced a sense of ecstasy in my head. It was as if I was serving a being that transcends all human beings. She didn’t look like a mere human; she looked like a goddess deserving of my worship, obedience, and never-ending service. This feeling is difficult to explain, but the more challenging it is to serve her, the more pleasure I derive from it. If it were easy to serve her, I wouldn’t experience such ecstasy. She demands a great amount of sacrifice from me, and I unquestioningly obey her.

This fact elevates her to a goddess-like status in my eyes. In my opinion, every woman has a goddess within her, but this goddess can only be seen through the eyes of a hardworking servant male. Once you acquire these eyes, you never want to lose them. This is why I am always motivated to work hard for my wife. The harder I work for her, the more goddess-like she becomes, and this motivates me to work even harder for her, creating an endless cycle of devotion. I cannot break free from this loop of service addiction, so I remain a devoted husband, and I am happy about it.

How did I get into this loop of addiction? The concept of being addicted to serving women came from my father. He believed that men are biologically designed to work hard, and they will never find true fulfillment in life if they are idle and lazy. He also told me that if I was going to work hard anyway, it is much better to work for a woman I love than for some corporate figure. However, despite my efforts in my twenties, I never became addicted. It wasn't until I met my wife and experienced her strict discipline that I truly embraced this lifestyle. Since then, I have been living as a service addict, and my wife and I are both very happy now.

It is not easy to become addicted to this kind of lifestyle, but once you do, it is truly a win-win situation for both you and your dominant woman. Your wife will never need to do any housework; her house will be spotlessly clean all the time, and she will always have someone eager to run errands for her. A submissive man, on the other hand, will be able to satisfy his hunger for service all the time and live his dream—a life of a service slave. Most importantly, as I mentioned earlier, he will acquire the eyes that can find a goddess in her. In turn, he will be able to spend the rest of his life serving, worshipping a living goddess. This is the most blessed life I can imagine for a submissive man. So I strongly suggest that you all try becoming addicted to serving a woman.

How do you get addicted to serving a woman? Well, how do you think you get addicted to anything? By doing that thing a lot, and repeatedly. Elon Musk works 120 hours a week, almost three times more than an average man. So if you really want to become addicted to serving your Queen, you should try serving your Queen three times more than an average submissive man. This is hard work. But as I mentioned earlier, this really is an ideal state for both you and your mistress. No pain, no gain.

So, man up, and start working.


Monday, March 11, 2024


(Some of the following material appeared years ago in various posts on Mark Remond’s Worshipping Your Wife  blog. They are reprinted here with permission. Additional observations from the incomparable Beckie Sue have never before been published.—Thomas Lavalle)

A Female Led Family

I think it is important to make clear that we are not just a "female led marriage" but we are a "female led family."

Our daughters are always having their friends over. One and all are aware that the girls’ father is the one who does all the housework. They are there when he comes home from work and starts right in on dinner, or perhaps the laundry, while I am there reading or otherwise enjoying myself on our deck. Our daughters’  friends are right there and hear me tell him to do a certain chore and he never argues.

Their brother is always there as well. He is very obedient to his sisters’ "requests." They usually ask him "Will you..." but I know that it is really an order. Their friends are comfortable in telling him what to do, as well.

In witnessing our female led home, our daughters’ girlfriends know it is more than I, it is my daughters as well who rule. The girls have had many discussions on female superiority among themselves, and all of them are in agreement that as females they are superior. I have overheard them talk about having boys worship them and wanting to be goddesses.

They are learning together.

The Best Interests of our Daughters

Do we really think the interests of our son are less important than the interests of our daughters? That the opinions, desires and hobbies of our daughters are more important than his? Just because they are female and he is male?

Throughout history, girls were taught that men were more important, that the goals of men were more important than their own. In a female led home, girls need to learn to lead males. And, yes, because they are female, they need to understand the importance of seeking and pursuing hobbies and activities that will fulfill them.

As a male, their brother understands that sometimes he needs to forgo his own interests so that his sisters may have the opportunity to pursue theirs. If he was always allowed to pursue whatever he wanted, often the girls would not be able to enjoy what they want, or to the extent that they want. Brothers need to learn the importance of always placing the female first, helping her become the woman she can be.

So, yes, in my view the importance of a brother’s interests are less important than the interests of his sisters; they need to be for girls to be able to lead in their home, and in society.

On Female Led Homes

I find that female led households are not as controversial today as they used to be. I am sure that many (if not most) homes are female led, though most are reluctant to admit it. Women are finding it more natural for them and their husbands for the woman to lead in their home.

Sons and daughters need both parents as role models for their lives. Our son sees his father doing all the work around the home, all the housework as well as all the yardwork, mechanical and maintenance chores, etc. My husband understands the importance of serving women so the females are able to pursue their more important interests. My husband has taught our son the importance of obeying not only his mother, but also his sisters.

Our daughters see the benefits of a female led family. Like their mother, they are learning how to lead a family. They don't have that authority yet but they can see how a family is closer when females are in charge.

There are no problems with a daughter being in charge of her father, as long as she is an adult (out of high school). If she has been raised in a female led family, she is qualified. As a mature adult female, she will not lose any respect for her father by being charge of him. On the contrary, this relationship will bring them closer.

Our daughters are still in their teens. When I have gone out for the day, their father is in charge, and they know to obey him. But they are permitted to remind him of things. Recently I found my husband watching TV instead of getting his chores done. (He is not permitted to watch any TV for this reason.) I told our oldest daughter (with father’s knowledge) to keep an eye on him and remind him the chores need to be finished by his 10 p.m. bedtime. He admits having her present helps him focus on all his work and keep him from breaking any of his rules.

He has a great deal of respect for our daughters because of their self-confidence and experience in learning to lead in the home. They are all aware that, as adults, the females will always lead the males.

A girl should be allowed to tell (not ask) her father what to do. Many comments have been made about how a daughter would lose respect for her father if she was allowed to boss him around. That is incorrect. Daughters lose respect for their fathers when their fathers are bossy to them, when their fathers act better than their mother. A girl’s respect toward her father only grows when she sees how he can be obedient to the ladies in his life. She learns respect for her father when he cleans her room and washes her clothes. Our daughters highly respect their father at supper when their brother and father stand and wait for the girls to sit and allow the females to fill their plates and start eating before being permitted to start their own dinner.

A mother is the one who needs to teach her daughters how to lead, what is right, what to expect from men. A daughter needs to learn to lead both brothers and father through the eyes of her mother. Yes, a girl will make mistakes, sometimes hurting the males in the family. But they must accept it, and she will learn through the experience.

I never liked the idea that some men are submissive. Men are by nature obedient. Through school (in the past), sports, military, and jobs they are required to be obedient, much more so than women. It is their nature to be obedient and to work. It is the nature of the female to be sexual/sensual and to direct the men in their lives. If daughters don't learn this in their home, they will have a hard time when they get older. And if sons don't learn obedience in their home, and from watching their father, they will not grow up properly.

Female Superiority at Home: What woman wouldn’t want to have a marriage where what she said was final, where her husband would obey her and desire her. What wife wouldn’t want a home where the housework, cleaning, laundry, washing dishes, scrubbing the bathroom, was her husband’s job; she would be free to pursue more fulfilling interests? How many would enjoy those more fulfilling pursuits during the day while he is at work earning money for her to enjoy? What wife wouldn’t love to have control of his paycheck and manage all the finances? What female wouldn’t love to be worshiped as a goddess?

If only men could understand that female superiority would be the ideal for them. Men are created for worship. Women are created to receive worship.

Indeed, most men worship women in one way or another without necessarily using the term. But how many women want to worship a man? None that I know of.

In order for females to be worshipped, they naturally have to be superior to men. If we are to be worshiped, are we not goddesses? Who would ever call a man a “god”? That would be blasphemous.

I believe our society is moving quickly to female superiority in all areas. Yes, all females are superior; they are born that way, it is not something they learn. But we do need to learn, and accept, that we are superior. It is hard for women to understand how we are born superior, it is just in our nature.

Men understand that much better. The husband is to “love, worship, and obey” his wife. Her protection, her well-being, her desires, her pleasure, and her comfort are his primary concern, and he would, if called upon to do so, lay down his life for her.

A few years ago, I sat my husband down and told him if I was going to make the decisions, I demanded he obey me without question. Here are some new household arrangements I instituted as a result of that “discussion”:

Housework: My husband does almost all of it. It is his job, to be expected of him. I do not micromanage him, or stand over him telling him what to do. He knows his chores and does them well. I offered to help with some, but he told me I didn’t need to bother with mundane housework when I should be pursuing more fulfilling things.

Finances: I decided to close our joint checking account. My husband now deposits his paycheck into my personal account to which he has no access. He is to keep $10 on him at all times and let me know if he spends any so I can give him more. He gets no allowance. After closing the one account I started paying bills and managing all finances. We use MS Money so he still doesn’t have access to any money himself.

Children: We have 2 daughters 15 and 10, and a son 13. Any expression of wife worship is hidden from them. But as a family we do show female superiority. My husband and son both open doors for us, and both stand whenever my daughters or I enter a room and remain till we are seated.

The same holds for dinner; they stand till we are seated and allow us to fill our plates and start eating before they fill their plates. Our son helps his father clean the table and dries the dishes.

A few months ago, they discussed if our son would want to do something special for his sisters to show his awareness of their female superiority. He chose to make their beds and straighten their rooms every morning. The girls are not allowed to tell him what to do, but may ask him politely to do something or get her something. He is not required to obey, but, as mentioned earlier, he takes their requests as an order and still obeys. His father has been a good mentor.

Every family is different with different ways to do things. Everything here sounds like we have it down perfect, but we have problems and daily issues come up to deal with.

Are our boys always obedient and worshipful? Yeah, right! As they say, life happens. They need to be reminded by the females who they are. Female superiority is natural, and someday will be accepted by everyone, but we all have a lot to learn about it.

A wife who understands female superiority has had to come to the realization that her husband is inferior, and women have a hard time thinking of their husbands in a negative term like inferior, despite the overwhelming evidence. But once a wife sees herself as superior, she will find it easier to accept a husband’s worship. And I truly believe that most husbands today understand, even if subconsciously, that they are inferior to their wives.

Husbands who accept female superiority as a fact, and their own consequent inferiority, as my husband does, would have no problem after they came home from work and started in on dinner and their chores.

My husband does accept and understand his inferiority. He knows he has to obey me even when he disagrees. He comes home from a hard days work (where they don't have A/C!) and, after taking a shower, start supper, clean after supper and do many other chores. He is no longer allowed to watch TV (takes his focus away from focusing on my desires, and takes too long to get it back), has to be in bed by 10 pm (works 6:30 - 3pm). After working all week, never sees or has access to any of the money he earns.

He has accepted all this to worship me. He does it for me. I am the lucky one. I can enjoy myself doing something I love and come home to a hot cooked meal. The guys wait till us girls start to eat and they take what is left over. I have the evening to enjoy with the kids, watch something on TV, or go out with some girlfriends and come home late and not have to explain anything to him. I can sleep late and wake up to fresh coffee, he has to put on another pot when he leaves for work.

I can spend money on whatever I want (within my budget). He occasionally has to work a Saturday. That extra money goes to me, allows me to buy something special, which I show him so he knows what his overtime bought me. (He specifically requested that I do this.)

I don't want to discuss our sex life, but I pursue it when I want it, not him. And I am worshipped.

Should a wife be allowed to pursue her pleasure whenever she wants?

There are many blogs out there where the husband has a fantasy about his wife having sex with other men. For most I am sure this is just a fantasy, and in real life they would be devastated; or perhaps this should be allowed in the marriage. I have yet to read anywhere that a wife would want the husband to be with another female.

After reading these articles, my husband and I discussed this. Even when I am not interested in intercourse with him, I usually feel very sexual. He admitted he often thinks of me with another man, and it excites him. When he in doing his housework, or following a direct order from me, he thinks of me having sex with a couple of men I am friends with.

I asked if I had his permission to be with them. His response was that I don't need to ask for his permission for anything I do. He wants me to pursue anything that pleases me, from buying a new dress to making love to my friends.

I have no interest in sex with anyone outside of our marriage. But a couple of years ago at a company Christmas party, things got a little wild. Another co-worker and I had a nice long kiss while my husband watched. When it was over, I turned to my husband and told him to get my friend and me a drink, while I sat down next to him. My husband obeyed and brought us back our drinks while the co-worker kept his hand on my thigh. That has been a recurring fantasy of his.

I think an acceptable alternative to cuckolding is for wives to feel free to kiss other men as I have; masturbate as often as she likes with him watching and always deny him, dress sexy for other men, or watch adult movies but not him. A wife should always be encouraged to allow herself the pleasures he is denied.


(Note to readers: Mark Remond informs me he has lost contact with Beckie Sue, so it is unlikely that any reader comments or questions addressed to her will be responded to.)

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


(A further musing on life in an imaginary Arabic land run on gynarchy principles.)

In 1935 a Grand Convention was held. Representatives from every corner of the Gynarchy came to the capital city to discuss the progress of Female Supremacy, to review the laws that were enacted and to be honest about shortcomings or things that did not work.

It was an amazing event; a flavour can be seen by part of the address of President Julie Dottir:

‘’Good morning, ladies. As I watch and hear the debates this week, I am confident we can honestly review the progress of this ‘great experiment,’ the Arabic republic of the Gynarchy.

“Some things have been set in stone and work very well. Male voting, boy’s education, healthcare, betrothal, marriage and the emergence of sissy men. As Far as I can see, no one has criticized these gynarchic laws and practices.

“Some, like Goddess Elizabeth, have suggested some amendments, which I approve of. No system is perfect, and her ideas are very good indeed.

“I am thinking especially of the need to ensure that girls know who their ‘male sperm donor’ was. The one who impregnated a girl’s mother and who, in some backward societies, are called ‘father.’ This is provision is reasonable and appropriate. It wasn’t implemented previously because it was considered intrusive to the mother’s privacy.

“Now that the great gynarchy is well over one century old, it can be seen that ‘fathers’ are useful beings and can make great pets and sissy slaves for their daughters. In some circumstances a bond can be forged, which is sweet and rather nice to see.

“A great republic can discuss new ideas, new ways of thinking, new practices and be able to discard traditions which no longer serve us well. This is healthy and, in these discussions, there have been many changes and ideas implemented. Well done to everyone!

“I will conclude by noting that the Gynarchy is the envy of the world. Our manufacturing and mining sectors, our universities and schools, our hospitals and healthcare and our military are world class.

“I acknowledge that we are not yet perfect, but we have a plan and a government committed to forging ahead with improvements and reforms.

“Thank you, ladies, for attending, I intend to reconvene this forum every two years.’’

The president received a standing ovation. She was very popular and, it must be noted, very beautiful, too.

The reforms from the 1935 Grand Convention were implemented swiftly and are looked back on as almost a Gynarchy Constitutional Landmark. It is always referred to as the “Landmark.” As per President Dottir’s recommendation, there have been subsequent conventions every two years since. Some have been more worthwhile than others, but they are always a useful ‘’temperature take’’ of the state of the gynarchy.

You may ask whether male opinion is ever sought. Not often. It can happen, but it most often comes in the home where a sissy slave is asked what he thinks of, say, subject A or subject B, usually from a questionnaire sent to homes by the ruling party. It may be phrased along the lines of ‘Please get your sissy’s opinion on the new speed limit, or the requirement to register males with children” or other male type concerns.

Their opinions are not taken very seriously and are usually “noted” in the reports. For example, last year there was a committee reporting on punishment and chastity in the home. As an example, one TV reporter outside parliament was quoted as follows: ‘’Today there was a report given by the Prime Minister on whipping conventions in the home, in which it was noted that a survey of men said it was important that they be punished when and as necessary. There were dissenting voices, but they were generally laughed at.”

Any male found to be a supporter of ‘’equality’’ or ‘’men’s liberation’’ was sent to a ‘’re-education’’ class to learn their proper place in a gynarchy world. These classes were popular and had very good, positive results. Men learnt that to be happy they needed to serve, to be submissive, to listen to women and to obey without question.

There was one notable TV discussion with male supporters of “men’s lib” where the males were allowed to discuss the topic freely. The women were so persuasive that the male participants all finished by agreeing that they were indeed subhuman trash.

Home Life: Boys and girls are brought up very differently in the gynarchy household.

Girls are taught how to handle their immense power and authority.

From a very young age, girls learn to give orders to their fathers, brothers and any other males they meet. They expect obedience and know what to do if they don’t immediately get it.

Boys are taught that they are loved and valued, but have a place in the family which means they must obey all the females all the time.

In my case, my daddy was the ‘family sissy slave’ and I treated him with love, respect and expected obedience and fear in return.

By “fear” I mean he knew what would happen if he was naughty, disobedient or gave me backchat. He would be punished, by mommy (when I was young) or by me (from when I was 16 years of age).

It works really well, that is why gynarchy life is so successful.

To illustrate, let me give a picture of home life when I was 15 years of age. Daddy is preparing supper after school. I come in from my friend’s house. I am in a good mood because I did well on a math test.

‘’Hi, princess. Your mom will be home soon, please go get ready for supper in about thirty minutes.’’

‘’Daddy, my stinky feet need worshipping.’’

‘’Oh, thank you, so much, princess.’’

Daddy kneels in front of me and bows to kiss and lick and sniff my shoes. I have worn them all day, walked to my friend’s house, so they really were stinky.

‘’OK, sissy, get on with supper. Good boy.’’

Mommy came home and we chatted about my day. She was thrilled I did well on the math test. Mom told me about her day as we ate our spaghetti. Daddy had his supper in the kitchen as we ate in the dining room.

Mommy: ‘’Good boy, you may worship my feet as we watch TV news.’’

This was a typical gynarchy evening when I was growing up.

There are some myths surrounding domestic life. It is not true that sissy slaves cannot speak unless spoken to.

They can speak, for instance, to show concern: ‘’Ma’am, is your cold better?’’ ‘’Princess, how did the math test go today?’’

To ask for information: ‘’Ma’am, what would you like for supper tomorrow?’’  ‘’Ma’am, is your boyfriend staying this weekend?’’

To apologise: ‘’I am sorry ma’am, but I dropped a cup this morning and it broke.’’

There are many instances when a sissy may need to speak; it is cute when they do and it is welcome if it is sweetly done.

Military: The armed forces of the gynarchy are world-class. They have modern jets in the Gynarchy Air Force (GAF) and modern equipment in the army and the navy. They have never been to war as they are tied in with other Arab countries and are not part of other alliances.

In the 1940s the gynarchy acted as a source of intelligence for the western Allies in the war in North Africa. They remained neutral, however. Most of the troops in the army are male, with female NCOs and officers. The highest rank a male can reach is corporal. Similarly in the Navy (GN) and the Air Force, they are controlled by females.

In the 1950s and ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s, the West traded happily with the gynarchy as they wanted our oil, titanium, manufactured goods and to visit as tourists.

There was very little comment on the social position of males as the trade was more important.

The gynarchy tries to be a friend to all, but resisted Russian and Chinese involvement.

In the new century things changed and there was controversy in Western countries because the trade was good but males were treated as subhuman, with no rights and no prospect of any change.

These things are still controversial but there is no appetite, it seems, in the West to lose the trade.

I hope you enjoyed this very brief history of a beautiful country with a strong sense of destiny.

We in the gynarchy do not hate men, we love them. They have their place and are treated well.

--Miss Zoe

Saturday, February 10, 2024


(Miss Zoe, who has previously shared vivid scenes of growing up in a gynarchic
, here indulges her dominant imagination to “chronicle” a much-to-be-wished-for femutopian state. First of a two-parter. BTW, Zoe’s British spellings are native to her.—Thomas Lavalle)


The early years of the Gynarchy are wrapped in myth and legend. There 
had been rumours about families where the women were in control and the menfolk obeyed. Some small businesses were run on these principles, as were schools and colleges.

About 200 years ago, around 1820, a tribe of Arabs began to live on a small island in the Gulf, which subsequently was renamed ‘’The Free Republic of the Gynarchy,’’ or Gynarchy for short.

Women were honoured and venerated in the new republic, and men took their natural place as helpers, servants, workers, drudges and sissies.

In 1854 a new President was appointed, Aariyah Dotta. She appointed an all-female cabinet of advisers and new laws were introduced which more clearly defined the disparate roles of men and of women.

The first changes were in education, and these laws are still followed today, with about ten amendments to accommodate modern ideas and practices.
Boys Education: Boys go to the same nursery and primary schools as girls. They all learn together Gynarchy Arabic, English, History of the Gynarchy, Mathematics, Geography, Basic Gynarchy Science, Basic Home Economics and Physical Education and Games.

The boys are separated for Religious Education so that they can appreciate the Gynarchy Goddesses and understand why they must obey when a girl gives them an order or task. The girls learn their higher place and how to worship the Gynarchy Goddess and manage males in their life.


At age 11 a test is taken by both boys and girls. Bright boys go to a boys-only Grammar-style school and can go on to college or even a boys’ university.

The not-so-bright boys go to domestic school to learn how to be a husband, helper, low-grade worker, heavy lifter, driver or all-purpose slave. They leave school at 15 years and go straight to work in military, civilian or domestic jobs.
The girls all go to ‘girls only’ grammar schools. They are graded according to ability, and the brightest go on to university or college, whilst the relatively less bright go to secretarial, clerical or domestic college to learn supervisory techniques and more nonacademic skills.

The education reforms were, and are, very popular because they teach children how to be happy in their rightful place in society. They learn not to complain or criticise those who are above them or be unkind to those below.

An early reform was to allow only females to vote. This was surprisingly very popular among men because it meant there was one more responsibility that they didn’t have to be concerned with.

When they did vote, they voted only as agreed with their Named Responsible Female, so it didn’t affect them at all.

Along with not being allowed to vote came “not being allowed to own property,” “have opinions different to those agreed,” “only being allowed to marry an approved person’’ and “a nightly curfew of 7 pm.”

These rules were common practice anyway. It was actually laughable to many females that a male could own property, or freely express opinions, or marry without permission. The nightly curfew made the streets safe for females and enabled them to go out and have fun without worrying about unwanted male attention. They could take a guy out dancing or to the theatre without breaking his curfew, as the curfew applied to lone males only, or males unaccompanied by a female. 
Male workers in restaurants and clubs, who had to be at work before the curfew ended, were taken home in designated buses after work.

The concept of a “Named Responsible Female” was introduced to ensure that all men had a female to whom they were, and are, responsible. It could be a mother, sister, wife, daughter, cousin, aunt or any other named female who agreed to take the role.

These names are registered with the local Town Council and the Police. This means that if a man is stopped by a policewoman, he is asked for his identity card which gives pertinent information such as blood type, level of education, crimes or misdemeanours committed and the name of his Responsible Female with contact details.

As a result of these laws, law enforcement works well and crime levels are very low in the Gynarchy.

World of Work:
All gynarchy workplaces, public or private sector, have strict rules about jobs done by males and females. Males can only aspire to junior roles under the supervision of a Named Female.

If they are bright and have been to a boys’ university, they may have an important job, such as teacher, doctor, engineer and so on, but they must be supervised by a female. This is why a teacher in a school will have a female in the classroom to supervise, or a doctor will have a female in the consulting room.

In the law firm where I work, men can only be juniors or secretaries and kitchen staff (not chefs or cooks). They have their own entrance and work on floors one to 39. Any floors above (that is 40 to 50) are female only. A man can work on those floors under strict rules of supervision but cannot have a desk there or be there alone.

I have an office on the 45th floor and am supported by 20 junior staff. Five 
of them are male and are very sweet and efficient. They work with a female at her desk doing such tasks as drink-serving, photocopying, shoe-cleaning, errand-shopping, cleaning, toilet duty and foot worship.

Healthcare: Everyone in the gynarchy contributes to a state insurance system which supports healthcare for all. Males and females have slightly different facilities for healthcare and are treated on different floors in our General Hospitals.

They are both treated well in modern facilities and monitored for any problems, but men are only not allowed to call an ambulance or got to Accident and Emergency departments without their Named Responsible Female giving permission.

If a man, for example, has a cardiac arrest in the street, a woman passerby or shop worker can call an ambulance, the paramedics will attend and get the man’s identity card and telephone his NRF for permission to proceed.

If she is not responding or unavailable, the man will be taken to a “holding cell for medical emergencies” in a local police station. The NRF will be informed and he will get food and some minimum care until the matter is resolved.

Gynarchy hospitals are among the best in the world, and our Medical Schools are very popular and always oversubscribed.


I will continue this short history of the Gynarchy later, looking at Home life, marriage and how boys and girls are raised. -- Zoe


  (Editor’s Note: Debra’s Son has posted more than a few fond reminiscences on this blog about the advantages of growing up in a matriarchal...